Active Health Massage Therapy & Fitness


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive:

What are the benefits of Massage?

Massage has many physiological benefits, including:

  • Relieving sore muscles by promoting relaxation and lengthening the muscles.
  • Helping muscle injuries heal faster.
  • Reducing chronic tightness, which can help reduce the likelihood of overuse injuries from work or sports.
  • Reducing low back pain, headaches, muscle aches, and tightness, as well as secondary tightness that can occur with tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Reducing blood pressure. (While blood pressure is slightly increased during the massage, the long term effect is a reduction in overall  blood pressure.)
  • Reducing stress, which can help you avoid stress-related disorders such as ulcers, heart disease, headaches, etc.

What can I expect at my first visit?

You will be asked to fill out a health history form, which is available on our Helpful Forms page. Your therapist will review your completed form with you and may ask a few questions. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. We ask for medical history to be sure we understand your reasons for requesting services and to design a treatment specific to your needs.

What if I have an area, such as my legs, that I don't want massaged?

This is another reason for the "intake"  portion of your visit! Your privacy and comfort are of the utmost importance to us. Please be sure to tell your therapist of any concerns you have or about any areas you may not want worked on. Also, if you need special accommodations, such as a pillow or extra support for your lower back, just let us know!

Do you accept insurance?

We do not currently accept insurance as payment for sessions. However, in some instances your insurance company may reimburse you for massage fees, providing you are sent for massage by your physician. You should check with your insurance company for clarification.

We are part of the whole health network and offer discounts for first-time clients when they show their BCBS or Harvard Pilgrim card.

We are exploring the feasibility of accepting insurances for "medically necessary" cases, such as personal injury and MVA, and will be sure to let our clients know if and when that change happens.

Can I talk during my massage or will my therapist talk to me during my massage?

Generally, talking during a massage is optional. Most people prefer silence, so we don't generally talk with our clients during massage sessions other than to check on their comfort. This provides an atmosphere in which it's easier to relax and stop thinking about the worries of the world. You should always feel free to speak up if you have a question or if you have any feedback for your therapist.

How can I make an appointment?

You may schedule an appointment on our Book an Appointment page or by calling our office at 508-386-2774. (Visit our Contact Us page for cell phone numbers.) Please note: Appointments are required. We do not accept walk-in clients. 

What if I have to cancel my appointment?

Sometimes life gets in the way and things can change. If you're unable to keep your appointment, please call and let us know so that we may open that spot to someone else and help you reschedule. Cancellations  must be made by phone. A missed appointment, with no cancellation notice, is subject to the full fee for the missed session. We would appreciate a call no less than 24 hour in advance for a cancellation.